+To Power supply (AC or positive DC)
A Yellow signal wire
B Not used
C Not used
D Yellow signal wire
V0 To other terminal of Power Supply also connection to
signal common and common for detection and train in section LEDs
g REVERSE RUNNING connecting to V0 sets signal to danger
and clears train in
h TRAIN ENTERING SECTION When this terminal is connected to
V0 (via push button switch) or TRAIN DETECTED (j) of
previous IRDASC or terminal 2 of an IRDOT-1 the signal will change to clear provided neither the OVERRIDE/INTERLOCK or
REVERSE RUNNING terminal is activated
i OVERRIDE/INTERLOCK whilst connected to V0
signal sets to danger.This does not clear Train in Section
j TRAIN DETECTED this connects to TRAIN ENTERING SECTION of next IRDASC up the line to tell it a train is approaching.
k TRAIN IN SECTION this can be wired to OVERRIDE/INTERLOCK of previous IRDASC so that it keeps its signal at danger whilst the next section is occupied.
l TRAIN IN SECTION LED connects to LED (long leg / anode)
m TRAIN DETECTED LED connects to LED (long leg / anode). |